This website runs on Oxford Mosaic, the University of Oxford’s web platform. Information regarding the accessibility features common to platform sites can be found in the Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement. Where applicable, further information on the content or features specific to this site is given below.
We know some parts of this website are not fully accessible
- Not all film content offers captions.
- Our audio podcasts do not have written transcripts.
- Some of our people pages will have not been written in an accessible way.
- Some downloadable documents (word documents and pdfs) are not written in the most accessible way.
- In a few instances, images convey information which is not available in text form.
- In some instances, images will not have alternative text, or the alternative text is not helpful.
- Some forms are missing labels, or the labels are not correctly associated with a form control.
- Some links in the footer use underlining.
What we’re doing to improve accessibility
- We aim to provide captions and transcripts on any future film or audio content.
- We will provide all our students and staff members who have editing capabilities with a guide to writing accessibly for the web by end of December 2020.
- We will ensure all new images uploaded to the website in future will have alternative text where necessary.
See the Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement for full details.